Tuesday, June 10, 2014

12 C's of Team Building

For a successful, focused work teams, these things need to be kept in mind:

  • Clear Expectations: Expected outcome for the team's performance should be shared with all the members of the group.

  • Context: It is very important for each and every single team member to know the reason for working in a group and the outcomes expected out of it.

  • Commitment: If every team member is ready to put time and effort into the work that needs to be done.

  • Competence: If the group is consisted of the right people with everyone bringing different skills to the team.

  • Charter: Having a mission, vision and strategies to accomplish the goal.

  • Control: If the group has enough power to make decisions and accomplish it's goals.

  • Collaboration: If the team members are working effectively together to accomplish their goals and also if the rules and responsibilities are being fulfilled by everyone.

  • Communication: There needs to be a clear communication between the team members with the rest of the group. Through communication, most of the conflicts can be handled and taken out of consideration.

  • Creative Innovation: If everyone's ideas are taken into account and listened to. Another factor to consider here is to think and understand if the change is necessary.

  • Consequences: Everyone needs to responsible and accountable to the team achievement. For the team members to be responsible and reliable, there needs to be rewards and recognitions for fulfilling all the goals.

  • Coordination: If there is a leader in the team, who coordinates all the meetings or any changes to the schedule.

  • Cultural Change: If the viewpoints of people from different cultures are taken into account, so that no option will be left for rejection.

These were some of the important things to keep in mind while building and managing a team.

Extract from : http://humanresources.about.com/od/involvementteams/a/twelve_tip_team_3.htm

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