Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Top 7 Ways to Communicate Effectively

It has been said that 85% of success is the ability to communicate and 15% of success depends on technical skill, so let’s take a look at 7 tips for effective communication. 

1) Have self-worth. This means being confident and making the other person know you are worth taking seriously and your are worth their time. 

2) Get Interested in others. This means talking in a way that emphasizes what’s in it for the listener. Flattery for example will make the listener feel good and make them receptive towards your arguments. 

3) Open up a person’s heart. Basically this means being friendly and making the conversation easy. 

4) Listen at least 2 times more than you talk. You cant expect people to listen to you if you don’t listen to them. A good tip to show you are listening is to ask follow up questions. 

5) Diversify yourself. This means knowing a little bit about many topics so that you are able to converse with many different people. 

6) Understand that your worth never changes. Rejection is apart of life, and should not discourage you from trying. 

7) Follow the step-ladder to success. You don’t become the heavyweight champion of the world by taking on the champ in your first fight. Similarly you should learn how to communicate with peers and lower management before attempting to communicate with the CEO. 

The link to this article is as follows: 


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