Friday, November 13, 2009

CIVIL SERVANTS: They were doing their job, guided by the law

HUSAIN ANJANG PULAU, Secretary-general, Malaysian Government Pensioners Association, Selangor

GOVERNMENT servants have once again been taken to task for carrying out their duties in accordance with existing rules and regulations.

The recent episode involves the enforcement of a state enactment pertaining to obtaining a permit from a state government agency for an individual to speak in public, which was interpreted as an irresponsible act on the part of officials of the agency concerned.

This was followed by a barrage of protests against their better judgment.

It must be pointed out that the officials were merely carrying out their duties and there is, therefore, no necessity to negate their actions.

On the other hand, they should be supported and praised for their impartiality in carrying out their duties.

This is the message ingrained into the mind of every government servant and this provides the civil servant the motivational power to act in the public interests, which had been carried out systematically and responsibly in this particular case.

I also wish to add that civil servants need their masters' protection to enforce the law.

After all, the powers that be are responsible for the passage of laws through Parliament as well as state legislative assemblies and it is, therefore their responsibility to ensure that laws are enforced fairly without being selective for the good of the people they serve.

Enactments may differ from state to state and subject to interpretations by the various courts.

The most important criterion, however, is for the public at large to adhere to the Malay adage "Di mana bumi dipijak disitu langit dijunjung" and to observe the Western saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".

In other words, all citizens must obey the law of the land.

Lastly, I wish to appeal to all government servants to carry on regardless.

Yours is a noble profession, whichever service sector you are in. Be mindful that though changes have occurred at the federal and state administration levels, the country continues to tick like clockwork, all due to your diligence and professional outlook in carrying out your duties without fear or favour.

NST Online

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